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Signs You Have The Wrong Healthcare Plan

This time of year, many people are starting over when it comes to their health insurance – even if that just means starting over with your deductible. Since selecting a healthcare plan can be confusing and – if you’re covered through an employer or have limited choices for plans – very frustrating. Sometimes it’s not until you’re actually using your health plan that you realize it’s not exactly for you. If any of these apply to your current situation, you may need to place the blame squarely on your health insurance – and then, of course, talk to us to help you find something that will work for you.

Signs You Have The Wrong Healthcare Plan


There’s this doctor (or facility) you’d like to use, but…

So you’ve had recommendations from all your friends and family on a great doctor, hospital or medical group but here’s the problem: you’d break the bank after just one appointment. Or perhaps you’re looking back on the “good old days” when you were able to call up that favorite doctor who had been caring for your family for decades. An even worse scenario? You keep going to a doctor you don’t like or even mistrust because it’s easier than finding another one that’s covered by your insurance plan. If you’re unsatisfied with your current healthcare providers but your health plan has made it difficult to find one you are comfortable with, that’s a big indication that you’re under the wrong healthcare plan.

Finding a doctor who provides you with the level of personal attention and competency you expect is something you should be able to do – sticking with a doctor you know and trust is certainly something you should be able to do. Your healthcare plan should work for your life – not the other way around.

You’ve been avoiding the doctor (when you probably shouldn’t)

Is there a nagging voice in your head telling you that it’s time for you to see a doctor about something that’s bothering you? Are you ignoring that voice because you’re terrified of how much even that initial visit will cost you – let alone any subsequent testing or treatments? To us, that’s a big sign that your current healthcare plan just isn’t working for you. If your copays are so high that a simple doctor’s visit might bust your budget, your plan isn’t working. In fact, even if your employer supplements your healthcare plan, you may be able to save money in the long run by upgrading to a better plan and paying the premiums yourself.

The bottom line is that health insurance is only good for you when you actually use it. If you’re not using it, you’re simply wasting money. And since you cannot legally opt for no coverage at all, isn’t it best to choose a plan you’re comfortable using?

You pay for ANY preventative care

One perk of recent healthcare reform is that many – if not all – preventative services are free of cost for covered patients. That said, some “grandfathered” plans still exist that do not cover these important tests and services – like well-child visits, pap tests, mammograms and certain screenings and vaccinations. If you have to pay for any preventative services, you probably have the wrong health care plan.

Your schedule makes you nervous

For some people, HMOs and EPO plans might work great. But if you travel a lot for work or pleasure – or you find yourself far from an approved facility, you may be giving yourself some undue stress. Regardless of where you roam (domestically speaking – international coverage is a whole different ball game), you should have some peace of mind about your healthcare coverage.

While many HMO plans offer certain coverages for emergency situations, if you’re away from home a lot and need the flexibility of seeing a doctor when and where it’s convenient for you, it might be time to look elsewhere.

Is your health plan working for you? If not, it might be time to give us a call. We’ll help you find something that will.

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